
Agenda 21 and “Sustainable Growth”

on Sep 07 in Articles by

On June 9, 2011 President Obama signedExecutive Order 13575, which established the creation of the White House Rural Council (WHRC). The purpose of the WHRC is to facilitate the federal coordination and implementation of sustainable development at the local community level.

President Obama™s EO 13575 reads in part:

Section 1. Policy. Sixteen percent of the American population lives in rural counties. Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead. These communities supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also present enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands.

The Executive Order references œsustainable rural communities, which is a reference to œsustainable development “ the nomenclature for the United Nations™ Agenda 21 program.

The term œsustainable development was popularized in the now often-cited 1987 United Nations report, entitledOur Common Future, released by the Brundtland Commission. Chaired by its namesake ” Gro Harlem Brundtland, the former Director-General of the World Health Organization and the Vice President of the World Socialist Party, the Brundtland Commission defined œsustainable development as:

¦development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

This became the central theme of the United Nations™ 1992 Earth Summit, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where the UN unveiled its program on sustainable development: Agenda 21, signed on to by 178 world leaders including then-President George H. W. Bush.

Sustainable Development is the United Nations™ Agenda 21 program, which calls for the government to curtail your freedom to travel as you please, own a gas-powered car, live in suburban or rural areas, determine the number of children you may have, determine the œrates of harvest of farms and fisheries, eliminate your private property rights through eminent domain, and increase the price on goods and services through artificial shortages and new consumer taxes.

Maurice Strong, the Secretary-General of the United Nations 1992 Earth Summit had this to say about sustainable development:

Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class ” involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing ” are not sustainable.

Since Agenda 21 was not an official treaty it did not require ratification by the U.S. Senate and has instead penetrated the American heartland and coastal regions through the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), which now prefers to be known as Local Governments for Sustainability.

ICLEI was founded in 1990, as the ˜International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives,™ at the World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future, held at the United Nations in New York City. According to its website, ICLEI describes itself as œan association of over 1220 local government Members who are committed to sustainable development. Spanning over œ70 different countries and representing more than 569,885,000 people, ICLEI facilitates local governments in the implementation of UN Local Agenda 21.

You can find out if your local government is member by taking the following three-click challenge:

  • TypeWWW.ICLEI.ORGon your web browser & click go
  • On the top bar menu of the website click on œMembers
  • On the left side column click on œGlobal Members

Scroll down to the United States of America, or other country of your choosing, and see if your local town or city is listed. If listed then you will know you’re a member, but if not, do not celebrate just yet; your local government may already be implementing Agenda 21 and sustainable development.

Some buzz words to look out for in your local community are mentions of œsmart equity, œsmart codes, œsmart growth, œsustainable consumption, œsustainable development, œsustainable land use, and œopen space. These terms are normally associated with your local government™s board, committee, or department of œsustainability or œredevelopment.

These agencies are usually comprised of their own staff and governing board, appointed by your local government. You might not be aware of this because the establishment of such an agency would have likely occurred without your vote or consent and is now passing ordnances and regulations affecting your livelihood, family, home, and property.

Using ICLEI computer software and smart growth models, a host of new regulations and new zoning laws are implemented by these agencies. One such commonly used model lays out the following new law:

¦Government may enter upon the land and act to put it in compliance.

In the publication,Building a More Sustainable Future in Wisconsin, published by the University of Wisconsin-Extension Sustainability Team, it recommends and promotes:

¦the importance of state and federal training and education programs to generate educators, facilitators and motivators who would be capable of going into individual homes and helping people develop their own personalized sustainability action plans.

The reason for this disregard for private property rights is due to the United Nation™s view on private property. According to œSection Property rights and the use of biological resources ofGlobal Biodiversity Assessment(1996), published for the United Nations Environment Programme:

Property rights are not absolute and unchanging, but rather a complex, dynamic and shifting relationship between two or more parties, over space and time.

This interpretation of property rights is a far cry from the Founding Fathers. President George Washington said, œPrivate property and freedom are inseparable. His successor, President John Adams said that œProperty must be secured, or liberty cannot exist.

The forefathers of this nation understood that without property rights there could not be freedom and individual liberty; the state can control the people so long as the people are on government-controlled land. The United Nations™ Universal Declaration of Human Rights makes no recognition or mention of this fundamental right.

If Agenda 21 is fully implemented it will eventual terminate your right to own property and once that fundamental right is lost tyranny is ripe to flourish. Your ability to live the lifestyle you desire, your freedom to pursue and reach the American dream of owning a large home and raising a family, and the means to travel as you see fit are all at jeopardy so long as your local government adheres to the principles and protocols of Agenda 21 and sustainable development.

You can help stop this United Nations™ environmental juggernaut by contacting your State Representative and State Senatorand encouraging them to cease funding and oppose all measures for sustainable development.

You should also work with your local officials to withdraw from ICLEI, if your local government is a member, and to cease implementation of sustainable development measures.Click herefor further resources for doing this.


Your friends at The John Birch Society


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